Senders and Receivers | Samfundslitteratur

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Senders and Receivers

- Market Communcation

Jørn Helder and Simon Ulrik Kragh

Senders and Receivers states that communication no longer is to be regarded as a set of tools fit for all situations.

Modern market communication recognises the possibility that unexpected interpretations and actions of the receiver might limit the effectiveness of traditional communicative planning.

The 8 articles of Senders and Receivers discuss a...

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Senders and Receivers states that communication no longer is to be regarded as a set of tools fit for all situations.

Modern market communication recognises the possibility that unexpected interpretations and actions of the receiver might limit the effectiveness of traditional communicative planning.

The 8 articles of Senders and Receivers discuss a number of issues related to marketing communication, illustrating central analytical positions in Danish communication research.

The book is divided into three sections: branding of products and employees, international marketing and consumer values and finally management and marketing communication.

Publisher: Samfundslitteratur
Language: Engelsk
Illustrated: Yes
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Bog (Softcover)
1. Edition (2002), 
211 pages
ISBN 9788759309209

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