Cross-Cultural Business Behavior | Samfundslitteratur

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Cross-Cultural Business Behavior

A Guide for Global Management

The theme of this new edition is CHANGE. First of all, cultures change: Business behavior in markets around the world is constantly evolving, impelled by generational shifts, improvements in education and (especially) increasing exposure to the world marketplace.

That is why all 43 Negotiator Profiles have been thoroughly updated with new cases and...

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The theme of this new edition is CHANGE. First of all, cultures change: Business behavior in markets around the world is constantly evolving, impelled by generational shifts, improvements in education and (especially) increasing exposure to the world marketplace.

That is why all 43 Negotiator Profiles have been thoroughly updated with new cases and fresh examples added.

In addition, international managers' challenges have changed too. For example, just a few years ago participants at Global Management seminars around the world were mainly interested in how to communicate and negotiate with overseas partners. But they now find that their toughest challenges are how to manage overseas subsidiaries, strategic alliances and international partnerships.

To reflect these new realities the book's time-tested framework for understanding cross-cultural negotiating behavior has been expanded to include a wide variety of practical pointers on managing in today's global marketplace.

This new edition is important for everyone involved with global management, whether student or manager, because cultures and business challenges change.

Think of this as your survival guide for doing business in cultures other than your own.

Publisher: CBS Press
Language: Engelsk
Illustrated: Yes
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Bog (Hardcover)
5. Edition (2012), 
399 pages
ISBN 9788763002387
E-bog (VitalSource Bookshelf)
5. Edition (2014), 
399 pages
ISBN 9788763099356

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