Organisation | Samfundslitteratur


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1/10 2014 | Samfundslitteratur
The realities of organisational life seem a far departure from what is taught in the classroom, particularly if one has never before worked for an organisation. The examples presented in this book...
search Kig i bogen
9/9 2014 | Samfundslitteratur
Denne antologi består af 10 forskeres præsentation af teorier, der bidrager til bedre organisationskommunikation. Fælles for deres tilgang er et tekstnært fokus på sprogets, kulturens og...
15/4 2014 | CBS Press
This book aims to scrutinize the quality of organization concepts, such as the learning organization, self-managing teams-50, organizational culture and climate, customer-friendly organizations, old...
Narratives from Male-dominated Environments
15/4 2014 | CBS Press
With a play on words sometimes used by feminists in the past, it could have been entitled His/story and Her/story, in order to convey from the outset a banal, but sometimes overlooked, fact: the...
15/4 2014 | CBS Press
This book assembles some of the bits that break off in the process of this collision. It plays with the already contested boundaries 'correct images' and 'correct narratives' of a legitimate...
15/4 2014 | CBS Press
The book develops a new critique of Managerialism and its global god-father, Neo-Liberalism, still dominant ideologies in management today. It complements theoretical critique with stories and voices...
14/4 2014 | CBS Press
Textbooks in the areas of Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Communication Studies, and Organizational Development and Change typically treat person and organization as separate...
14/4 2014 | CBS Press
Speed of production, of information flow, of capital moving through deregulated financial and trading systems is apparently ubiquitous, as indeed is its seemingly inexorable increase in the...
14/4 2014 | CBS Press
As the contributions in this volume suggest, networks develop somewhat fragile identities that emerge through shared practices and language games. From this perspective networks are an outcome of...
6/1 2014 | CBS Press
Bogen fokuserer på fremskridt og potentialer i udforskningen af forholdet mellem projektledelse og moderne organisationer. Eksemplerne i bogen illustrerer bredden i den aktuelle forskning....

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