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Only Connect

As the contributions in this volume suggest, networks develop somewhat fragile identities that emerge through shared practices and language games.

From this perspective networks are an outcome of acts of language use and their organizational practices unfold in and simultaneously constitute these networks.

Providing rich empirical examples ranging from the Louvre to public sector organizations, from Jazz music to German franchising businesses, and, en route, taking in the networks of tacit knowledge in Japanese and Chinese organizations, the individual authors' narratives are linked by one common thread: how acts of 'languaging' and heterogeneous practices contribute to the rise (and sometimes fall) of networks, and how these networks perform complex tasks shaping organizations, and by extension, us.

Advances in Organization Studies, Vol. 20 Series editors: Stewart R. Clegg & Ralph E. Stablein

Advances in Organization Studies is a channel for cutting edge theoretical and empirical works of high quality, that contributes to the field of organizational studies.

The series welcomes thought-provoking ideas, new perspectives and neglected topics from researchers within a wide range of disciplines and geographical locations.

Køb bogen

  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. udgave (2014), 256 sider.
    ISBN: 9788763003056
    Academic Books
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