Bogcover til The social construction of organization

The social construction of organization

Textbooks in the areas of Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Communication Studies, and Organizational Development and Change typically treat person and organization as separate entities, in a subject-object relation. However there is another story of persons and organizations, one in which Person is seen to participate in social processes, and, in so doing, to both shape and be shaped by them.

Our intention is not to pronounce some orthodoxy but rather to assist those who are relatively new to what is a huge, ever growing, multi-disciplinary field where 'social construction' means many different things.

Advances in Organization Studies, Vol. 16
Series editors: Stewart R. Clegg & Ralph E. Stablein

Advances in Organization Studies is a channel for cutting edge theoretical and empirical works of high quality, that contributes to the field of organizational studies. The series welcomes thought-provoking ideas, new perspectives and neglected topics from researchers within a wide range of disciplines and geographical locations.

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  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. udgave (2014), 295 sider.
    ISBN: 9788763003100
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