Eggs and larvae of North Sea fishes | Samfundslitteratur

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Eggs and larvae of North Sea fishes

Peter Munk and Jørgen G. Nielsen

The new book on Eggs and Larvae of North Sea Fishes presents the early stages of about hundred common fishes in a standardized, illustrative layout, affording effective guidance to the investigation and identification of these stages.

Emphasis is put on the illustration by clear figures and on the precision of main diagnostic characters. Each species...

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The new book on Eggs and Larvae of North Sea Fishes presents the early stages of about hundred common fishes in a standardized, illustrative layout, affording effective guidance to the investigation and identification of these stages.

Emphasis is put on the illustration by clear figures and on the precision of main diagnostic characters. Each species is presented in a standard two-paged format with description of development and corresponding figures of five characteristic stages; and with additional paragraphs which describe the adult characters and biology and specify the distinct characters of the larva. The series of identification sheets is introduced by a set of short, reviewing chapters, emphasizing the research history and methods, and the early stage morphology and ecology.

Due to their great importance in the plankton ecosystem and in fish stock replenishment, the fish eggs and larvae attract interest from a wide range of researchers. This book will be a valuable tool to the scientist and technician who needs to make correct identification of collected fish larvae, and who wants additional information on the early development of the species.

Publisher: Biofolia
Language: Engelsk
Illustrated: Yes
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Bog (Softcover)
1. Edition (2005), 
224 pages
ISBN 9788791319242

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