Introduction to cultural understanding | Samfundslitteratur

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Introduction to cultural understanding

"It does not belong to our culture", "Ethnic minorities must integrate into the labour market", "We are heading for a multicultural society". We often meet these statements in newspapers, in political debates or among friends when political issues about integration or multiculturalism are discussed at various levels.
But the discussions often lack a...

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"It does not belong to our culture", "Ethnic minorities must integrate into the labour market", "We are heading for a multicultural society". We often meet these statements in newspapers, in political debates or among friends when political issues about integration or multiculturalism are discussed at various levels.
But the discussions often lack a qualified foundation. If one were to discuss the economy, one would not make authoritative claims without some knowledge about central concepts, but in the field of intercultural relation it is free-for-all. The result is that decisions are often made on the basis of individual or political notions about "the Other". 
Introduction to Cultural Understanding offers a number of analytical tools for understanding communication across cultures.

  • How does our view of culture affect the way we understand each other?
  • Is it possible to develop awareness of cultural identity?
  • How can the development of a multicultural society be seen from a theoretical perspective?
  • How is language implicated in the way we understand each other?
Publisher: Roskilde Universitetsforlag
Language: Engelsk
Illustrated: Yes
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Bog (Softcover)
1. Edition (2007), 
142 pages
ISBN 9788778673459
E-bog ()
1. Edition (2007), 
142 pages
ISBN 9788778675354

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