Medier, kommunikation og marketing | Samfundslitteratur


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Medier, kommunikation og marketing

11/7 2006 | CBS Press
The structure is a flow from inbound to reverse logistics with emphasis on logistics development as well as transportation and information systems. The aim of the book is strategic, both external and...
The Owners Choice
1/6 2006 | CBS Press
Analysis of a range of major administrative IT projects has lead to a surprising conclusion: The owners' often unconscious choice of what the book calls "project model", appears to be a key...
The Theory and Practice of Place Branding
1/6 2006 | CBS Press
Many new studies have emerged since the first edition was published, and they are integrated in the new edition. The second edition is still aimed at three audiences: students of international...
30/5 2006 | CBS Press
The multinational corporation is exposed to many diverse risks and exogenous influences beyond managerial control but also attain new strategic opportunities. The exposures range from price...
A Case Approach
1/5 2006 | CBS Press
Offshoring and offshore outsourcing are hardly new phenomena. What is new is that information technology creates new opportunities for geographically dispersed business activities and enables the...
- begreber og dansk empiri
9/1 2006 | Samfundslitteratur
An International Perspective
3/11 2005 | CBS Press
Not only will the reader gain a valuable perspective on the current state of marketing concepts and techniques, but the book offers managerial perspectives which also can provide guidance for the...
Purpose, People, Process: Towards the Second Wave of Corporate Branding
Majken Schultz, Yun Mi Antorini og Fabian F. Csaba (red.)
28/10 2005 | CBS Press
Despite the wide range of issues the concept raises about organization and strategy, corporate branding has mainly been associated with a marketing and campaign approach. This approach characterizes...
- essays om mennesker og medier
25/10 2005 | Samfundslitteratur
Det selskabelige samfund viser, hvordan de nære relationer mellem børn, voksne, venner, kærester og kolleger påvirkes af de nye medier. Med de mobile teknologier er mennesker altid i kontakt med...
19/9 2005 | Samfundslitteratur
Internationaliseringen af erhvervslivet øges hastigt!Det betyder, at den omverden, virksomhederne opererer i, bliver mere og mere kompleks, og at større og større dele af den på ethvert tidspunkt vil...

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