Looking At Eyes | Samfundslitteratur

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Looking At Eyes

Susanne Göpferich (red.), Inger Mees (red.) and Arnt Lykke Jakobsen (red.)

This volume contains ten papers describing various reading and translation experiments using eye-tracking techniques (sometimes combined with other process tools such as keystroke and pause logging methodology).

Contributors include members of the EU Eye-to-IT project and the Graz longitudinal study as well as researchers from both CBS and a number of...

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This volume contains ten papers describing various reading and translation experiments using eye-tracking techniques (sometimes combined with other process tools such as keystroke and pause logging methodology).

Contributors include members of the EU Eye-to-IT project and the Graz longitudinal study as well as researchers from both CBS and a number of other universities worldwide.

Publisher: Samfundslitteratur
Language: Engelsk
Illustrated: Yes
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