Handbook for Language Detectives | Samfundslitteratur

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Handbook for Language Detectives

Learning and teaching English grammar. Meaning, form, use

Handbook for Language Detectives gives a thorough presentation of English grammar and discusses how to teach grammar.

The book unveils to the readers, who will be working as grammar detectives, the fascinating world of language. It does not only deal with -traditional grammar- but also discusses what different grammatical structures mean (semantics)...

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Handbook for Language Detectives gives a thorough presentation of English grammar and discusses how to teach grammar.

The book unveils to the readers, who will be working as grammar detectives, the fascinating world of language. It does not only deal with -traditional grammar- but also discusses what different grammatical structures mean (semantics) and how they influence the level of style (pragmatics).

Grammar should not be taught as a separate discipline; it can and should be integrated in communicative language teaching. The book gives you innovative and valuable ideas of how this can be done.

The book serves a double purpose:

  • English grammar and language usage at bachelor level from a functional linguistic point of view.
  • How to teach English grammar within a communicative approach.

The book is mainly intended for Danish student teachers of English, but anyone else interested in teaching English grammar within an inductive and communicative approach will find it profitable.
Special emphasis is given to areas that are known to be difficult for Danish learners. 

Handbook for Language Detectives was awarded Lærebogsprisen in 2010. Activities for each chapter are also available.

Publisher: Samfundslitteratur
Language: Engelsk
Illustrated: Yes
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Bog (Softcover)
1. Edition (2012), 
460 pages
ISBN 9788759315736



Guldgrube af informationer om, hvordan man bedst lærer engelsk grammatik og underviser i det engelske sprog

Jane Bjerregaard Hjorth på Folkeskolen.dk 16. Oktober 2012


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Guldgrube af informationer om, hvordan man bedst lærer engelsk grammatik og underviser i det engelske sprog

Jane Bjerregaard Hjorth på Folkeskolen.dk 16. Oktober 2012


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Aditional information

1. Introduction 7

2. Learning and Teaching Grammar 17

3. Grammar across Sentences 45

4. Words, Idioms and Word Formation  83

5. Sentence Analysis, S-V agreement and Word Order 111

6. An introduction to Groups and Sub-Clauses 149

7. Verbs and the Verb Group 175

8. Nouns, Pronouns, Articles and the Noun Group 233

9. Prepositions and the Prepositional Group 291

10. Adjectives and the Adjective Group 303

11. Adverbs and the Adverb Group 325

12. Circumstiantials 341

13. Modality and Modal Verbs 359

14. Spelling 377

15. Punctuation 395

16. Interlanguage Analysis 411

Glossary  439

Grammar terminology in English, Latin and Danish 447

Index 451

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