Content section
Handbook for Language Detectives
Learning and teaching English grammar. Meaning, form, use
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1. Introduction 7
2. Learning and Teaching Grammar 17
3. Grammar across Sentences 45
4. Words, Idioms and Word Formation 83
5. Sentence Analysis, S-V agreement and Word Order 111
6. An introduction to Groups and Sub-Clauses 149
7. Verbs and the Verb Group 175
8. Nouns, Pronouns, Articles and the Noun Group 233
9. Prepositions and the Prepositional Group 291
10. Adjectives and the Adjective Group 303
11. Adverbs and the Adverb Group 325
12. Circumstiantials 341
13. Modality and Modal Verbs 359
14. Spelling 377
15. Punctuation 395
16. Interlanguage Analysis 411
Glossary 439
Grammar terminology in English, Latin and Danish 447
Index 451
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