Learning in Virtual Environments | Samfundslitteratur

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Learning in Virtual Environments

Teaching and learning mediated by information and communication technology (ICT) transcend borders of time and space.

Throughout the last decade Danish researchers have been in front developing new methods and analyzing the possibilities and limitations of these forms of learning. Their work is presented in this anthology.

The special Danish approach...

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Teaching and learning mediated by information and communication technology (ICT) transcend borders of time and space.

Throughout the last decade Danish researchers have been in front developing new methods and analyzing the possibilities and limitations of these forms of learning. Their work is presented in this anthology.

The special Danish approach to learning in problem oriented project pedagogy frames the book and the possibilities and limitations of the virtual learning environment are seen through different theoretical optics.

In the section on didactical design issues such as virtual portfolio and the design of virtual learning environments are presented. The book is finalized by a discussion on research methods.

Learning in Virtual Environments is the result of a mutual engagement within the Danish Research Network on Learning and Multimedia.

The network has also published the book Learning and Narrativity in Digital Media.

Publisher: Samfundslitteratur
Language: Engelsk
Illustrated: Yes
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Bog (Hardcover)
1. Edition (2002), 
343 pages
ISBN 9788759308622
E-bog (VitalSource Bookshelf)
1. Edition (2002), 
343 pages
ISBN 9788759399712

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