Tor Hernes | Samfundslitteratur


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Tor Hernes

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26/9 2018 | Samfundslitteratur
Organisering i en verden i bevægelse tager læseren med derind hvor organisatoriske handlinger, hændelser, dramaer, successer og relationer reelt udspiller sig. Bogens udgangspunkt er et proces- og...
14/4 2014 | CBS Press
By looking at processes of organizing from a spatial perspective, the authors reveal interesting insights into how power, culture, change, and identity are embedded, enacted and played out in and...
Drawing on Niklas Luhmann's Social System Perspective
7/2 2003 | CBS Press
Organization theorists have since the 1980s pointed out that autopoiesis represents considerable potential for developing alternative ways of understanding organizations. Niklas Luhmann's autopoiesis...