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Did You Get the Point?

Cultural Intelligence and Diversity in Global Collaboration

Collaboration across cultures, whether virtual or physical, is essential in many companies and organizations, and culture is present in nearly all aspects of any international collaboration. It can present challenges from fundamental cultural biases about what a good leader is to interpretations of micro expressions such as tone of voice, eye contact and body language. 

Whether it is the Danish project manager in Dubai struggling with unspoken social rules or the Indian IT-worker in Copenhagen who must navigate the Danish humor or the leader who leads a virtual multicultural team across 8 locations, cultural differences are at play.

Did You Get the Point? prepares you for your global and virtual collaboration with your international colleagues, partners, and customers and provides specific tools on how to approach the collaboration with cultural intelligence. And with that, you will achieve competitive advantages that lie within cultural diversity, including increased innovation, higher job satisfaction and eventually, better performance.

Through cases and quotes from experienced leaders from different companies and organizations such as LEGO, Novo Nordisk, Vestas, Arla, Maersk, Rambøll, AAK, COWI, Blue Water Shipping, HydraSpecma, PepsiCo, UCB Pharma and Tajco, the book provides insights into a long list of situations which typically cause challenges in global collaboration.

This book is for the leader, the employee or the team who is looking to develop their cultural intelligence. Amongst others, you will get answers to questions such as:

  • What is cultural intelligence and how do we develop it?
  • What characterizes the Danish business and working culture and what should you be aware of as an international working in a Danish organization or context?
  • What should you be attentive towards as a global leader in a primarily virtual collaboration?
  • How can you work effectively across flat and steep hierarchies?
  • How can you create psychological safety and trust in a multicultural, virtual team?

The book is also available in Danish. The two books – Did You Get the Point? and Forstod du, hvad de sagde? are very similar. However, where the Danish version is aimed towards Danes working globally, the English version is adjusted towards internationals working in Denmark or in other ways collaborating with Danes.


Køb bogen

  • Bog (Softcover m. flapper)
    1. udgave (2022), 303 sider.
    ISBN: 9788759340790
    Academic Books
    Buy this product
  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. udgave (2022), 303 sider.
    ISBN: 9788759342350
    Academic Books
    Buy this product



“With great competence, insightfulness and eloquence, Signe Ørom discusses the cultural challenges and opportunities in international collaboration. Meaningful, empirical examples masterfully illustrate the many challenges one can meet as a Dane, and the book shows how to achieve a cultural diversity bonus. Definitely recommendable!” - Mette Zølner, Professor in Intercultural Communication at Aarhus Universitet


“The book is an eye-opener which should be read by everyone who works with global partners and/or in multicultural teams. In a well-written, nuanced, and humorous way, this book conveys scientifically sound, evidence-based insights into the pitfalls and challenges to be aware of when people from different cultural backgrounds and communicative preferences meet. Without any preaching, the book manages to make the reader face their own cultural biases and contains specific tools on how to create strong, trust-based collaboration and well-functioning teams across cultures. I have undoubtedly received a gently kick in the butt/push to see how non-judgmental and openminded I actually am. I feel much better prepared to avoid misunderstandings and to harvest the fruits of multicultural collaboration in the future.” - Louise Winkel, PhD, Director, Global R&D Business Development, Novo Nordisk

“I can highly recommend the new book from Signe Ørom. Her thoughts on the cultural diversity bonus are highly relevant for a company like ours, which has gone from being 95% Danish to a truly global company with a large variety of different cultures and with that, a transformation towards many more virtual meetings” - Asger Kronborg, Senior Director, LEGO

“Everything indicates that the future only holds an increasing amount of global collaboration, and with that, an even greater need for cultural intelligence and agility amongst both leaders and employees. In this book you will find useful and handy inspiration for anyone who wants to feel better prepared for collaborating with their international colleagues and partners, whether it be in Denmark or around the world.” - Danielle Bjerre Lyndgaard, Head of DI Global Talent & Mobility



NB: For en mere udførlig indholdsfortegnelse, vælg 'Kig i bogen' herover.

Introduction 13

Part 1. What is culture?

Chapter 1
Cultural intelligence in global collaboration 20

Part 2. Cultural differences in international cooperation

Chapter 2
Egalitarianism and hierarchy in multicultural collaboration 62

Chapter 3
Risk willingness across cultures 98

Chapter 4
Individualists and collectivists in the same team 130

Chapter 5
When collaborative cultures meet competitive cultures 152

Chapter 6
Is the relationship or the task more important? 178

Chapter 7
Multicultural communication – Did you get the point? 204

Part 3. The new virtual world – cooperation at a distance

Chapter 8
Presence at a distance: Trust and relationships in multicultural virtual cooperation 256

Chapter 9
Culturally inclusive virtual communication 276

Postscript 299

Literature 301



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