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- Developments in Contemporary British Society
Jan E. Mustad, Jørgen Sevaldsen, Ulla Rahbek and Ole Vadmand
1/6 2012 | Samfundslitteratur
A book that focuses on understanding the main features of contemporary British society through discussions of political, historical and cultural processes.
Human-Machine Interaction in Translation
Bernadette Sharp, Michael Zock, Michael Carl and Arnt Lykke Jakobsen (red.)
6/9 2011 | Samfundslitteratur
This special issue of Copenhagen Studies in Language is devoted to human and machine translation and human-computer interaction in translation, which were the two main foci of the 8th International...
Peter Juel Henrichsen (red.)
15/7 2010 | Samfundslitteratur
The present volume contains a collection of papers on spoken language: how to represent it, analyse it, and explain it, without resorting to preconceived notions from text-based linguistics. The...
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- mellem analyse og oplevelse
Hans Henrik Møller and Henrik Poulsen
3/6 2010 | Samfundslitteratur
Litteraturpædagogikken i folkeskolen står i dag i et vadested. Undervisningen vægter stadig de analytiske færdigheder som i årtier har stået centralt i faget, men samtidig gives større plads for...
Fabio Alves, Inger Mees and Susanne Göpferich (red.)
25/3 2010 | Samfundslitteratur
This volume brings together five papers presented at the 1st International Research Workshop Methodology in Translation Process Research held from April 6 to 8, 2009, at the University of Graz,...
Anette Øster
21/1 2010 | Roskilde Universitetsforlag
Dansk børnelitteraturhistorieskrivning er en undersøgelse af danske børnelitteraturhistorier fra 1942 til 2006. Ud over teori og analyser indeholder bogen retningslinjer for fremtidig...
- North, South, East and West
15/1 2010 | CBS Press
Mentality and Thought North, South, East and West presents the reader with an informed pluri-disciplinary discussion of the concept of mentality, its relevance and its interconnection with culture...
Methods, Models & Results in Translation Process Research
Arnt Lykke Jakobsen, Inger Mees and Susanne Göpferich
1/6 2009 | Samfundslitteratur
Copenhagen Studies in Language includes studies of language for general purposes and also language for specific purposes (LSP). It covers grammar, semantics, pragmatics, text linguistics and...
20/1 2009 | Samfundslitteratur
América Latina henvender sig til gymnasie- universitetsstuderende i spansk som fremmedsprog.Gennem femten kapitler, giver håndbogen basale fakta om latinamerikansk geografi, økonomi, historie og...
20/1 2009 | Samfundslitteratur
Navigating in Foreign Language Texts has been written first and foremost for students in higher education, who are often confronted with the task of reading complex texts in a foreign language in...

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