Inquiries | Samfundslitteratur


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Here you will find information about different inquiries concerning CBS Press. All titles can be found by using the search bar or the full list of publications here.

Order inspection copy
If you are considering one of our books for course adoption (not just recommended reading), you are welcome to contact us at

Press Material
If you need complimentary material (e.g. a press release, a printable image of the book cover, or just further information about the book) for your review, please email us at

Rights and Permissions
Please send specific questions about rights and permissions, including queries regarding translations, reprints, and electronic licensing, to

Book Proposal
All manuscripts considered for publication are submitted for peer review. The peer review process determines the suitability of the manuscript for publication by CBS Press and is a necessary requirement for offering a contract. For inquiries concerning book proposals to be published by CBS Press, please email us at


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