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Real Negotiations

Driving value and handling complexities

Good negotiation skills are increasingly relevant and important in most positions and professions including management, sales and marketing, purchasing, project management, relationship management, HRM activities, supply chain management, and much more.

REAL NEGOTIATIONS focuses on must-have competences and insights:

  • selecting the right negotiation strategy
  • choosing tactics for the negotiation a hands-on approach to the process
  • trust and how to generate trust
  • dealing with unethical negotiator behaviour
  • cognitive biases and their impact on decision making
  • interpersonal and intercultural issues
  • tools for preparing and evaluating negotiations

REAL NEGOTIATIONS is written for Master's students as well as Bachelor's students and it has also long proven itself useful for professional practitioners.

Køb bogen

  • Bog (Softcover m. flapper)
    2. udgave (2017), 203 sider.
    ISBN: 9788759330098
    Academic Books
    Buy this product
  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    2. udgave (2017), 203 sider.
    ISBN: 9788759330623
    Academic Books
    Buy this product


Introduction 9

Chapter 1
Setting the scene 15

Chapter 2
Getting the basics right 25

Chapter 3
Choosing the right strategy 39

Chapter 4
Managing the negotiation process 63

Chapter 5
Communicating at the table 83

Chapter 6
The intercultural dimension at the table 113
Complexity driver #1

Chapter 7
The role of personality at the table 137
Complexity driver #2

Chapter 8
Decision-making and cognitive biases 151
Complexity driver #3

Chapter 9
The value and importance of trust and ethical behaviour 167
Complexity driver #4

Chapter 10
The toolbox 187

Acknowledgements 197

Bibliography 199

Index 201


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