Ways of Virtual World-Making: Actors and Avatars

From the subcultural EverQuest, to the public break-through of DOOM, from the hype of Second Life to the widespread World of Warcraft, Sisse Siggaard Jensen has been researching a central question: In what ways do actors make sense of engaging with virtual worlds?


Sisse Siggaard Jensen has been studying virtual worlds since 2002, and she aims to produce new knowledge about the transformation of self and world by virtual world-making. Ways of Virtual World-Making is her doctoral thesis, which will exclusively be published as an e-book.


Sisse Siggaard Jensen, Ph.D., is Professor of Digital Communication at Roskilde University, Denmark. Her current research interests are questions about how actors make sense of their chosen virtual world(s), their avatar figures, and the social relationships they are part of.


She is the head of the research project Sense-making strategies and userdriven innovation in virtual worlds 2008-2012 as well as of the Experience lab RUC

Køb bogen

  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. edition (2012), 388 pages
    ISBN: 9788778673909
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