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Problem-oriented project work

A Workbook

Group formation, problem formulation, method, analysis, writing process and cooperation are just some of the elements of problem-oriented project work.

This book supports the students in acquiring the craft of project work from the initial project concept to the last sentence of the report.

To achieve this, the authors present the questions that the students will encounter. The students are given specific tools, ideas and concepts relevant to the process and work involved in carrying out a project.

Since the last edition of the English version of this book, it has been revised several times with updated chapters, new examples, a new structure and new co-writers of some chapters.

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  • Bog (Softcover m. flapper)
    5. udgave (2019), 357 sider.
    ISBN: 9788759334317
    Academic Books
    Buy this product
  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    5. udgave (2019), 323 sider.
    ISBN: 9788759334454
    Academic Books
    Buy this product


Preface 9
Purpose and target group 9
A guide book 9
Structure 10

Part 1 · Problem-oriented project work - from problem formulation over method to conclusion 11

1 · Problem-oriented project work 13
Kaare Pedersen
Subject-oriented project work 14
Subject matter proficiency 19
Academic, social and personal skills 22
Summary 25

2 · Knowledge problem and problem formulation 27
Kaare Pedersen
Concept definitions 28
Knowledge problem 29
The anatomy of the knowledge problem 31
Problem area 36
Problem formulation 41
When the knowledge problem needs to be re-formulated 44
From idea to the final problem formulation 46
Summary 48

3 · Project design in problem-oriented project work 51
Poul Bitsch Olsen, Mette Apollo Rasmussen and Uffe Kjærgaard Hansen
The significance of the problem orientation to the method 52
Working with the tasks of inquiry 54
Project design 55
Execution 58
Summary 62

4 · Theoretical work 65
Poul Bitsch Olsen
Theoretical working technique 65
Theories serve different functions - nomothetic or ideographic 70
Texts that create an overview 73
Texts serving as an eye-opener 75
Texts serving a political purpose 78
The Internet 78
Summary 79

5 · Sleepless nights - the burdens of choosing your own project 81
Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen
Choosing 82
Choosing codes for making choices 84
Choosing scientific perspectives and arch narratives 90
The reflexive choice 96
Summary 98

6 · Philosophy of science in problem-oriented project work 101
Kaare Pedersen
Why philosophy of science? 101
Meta-theoretical situations 103
Philosophy of science in project work - how? 108
Objectivism and perspectivism 117
Summary 130

7 · Analytical strategy 133
Poul Bitsch Olsen
Objectivism 138
Subjectivism 140
Interactionism 141
Quality of highways 145
Knowledge problem and highways 146
Summary 147

8 · Method 149
Poul Bitsch Olsen
Quantitative techniques 152
Qualitative techniques 157
Process analysis and practice studies 168 Summary 173

9 · Interviews 175
Poul Bitsch Olsen
The first contact with the field 175
Interview 176
Example of the seven steps of the interview survey 177
Summary 187

10 · Quality assessment 189
Poul Bitsch Olsen, Uffe Kjærgaard Hansen and Mette Apollo Rasmussen
Quality criteria 190
Overall quality of the project 198
Placement of the method section 199
Practical importance 201
Project ethics 203
Summary 206

Part 2 · Project work 207

11 · Project work 209
Poul Bitsch Olsen and Kaare Pedersen
It takes engagement and openness 210
Project management 212
The reflexive project 217
Between control and chaos 222
Summary 223

12 · Group process and problems 225
Arno Kaae
Group formation 226
Cooperation agreement 227
Organising group meetings 229
Group communication 234
Delegation of tasks 240
Conflict resolution 241
Evaluation 244
Group exam 248
Summary 251

13 · Working with your supervisor 253
Poul Bitsch Olsen and Kaare Pedersen
Problem-oriented and research-oriented supervision 254
Supervision types 256
When the supervision does not work 259
Summary 262

14 · Writing process and writer s blocks 265
Kaare Pedersen
Writing tasks in project work 266
Write your way to understanding 271
Writer s block 277
Summary 281

Part 3 · Project report 283

15 · Project report - communication 285
Kaare Pedersen
Between science and story-telling 285
Good scientific dissemination 286
Summary 297

16 · The project report - structure and content 299
Kaare Pedersen
Outline 299
Introduction 300
Introduction 302
The body - typically several chapters 304
Closing 309
Summary 309

17 · The project report - layout and scientific workmanship 311
Kaare Pedersen
The scientific craftsmanship of the project report 311
Layout 320
Summary 324

Part 4 · Encyclopedia, bibliography and index 325

Encyclopedia of problem-oriented project work 327
Poul Bitsch Olsen and Kaare Pedersen

References 339

Index 351


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