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Leadership Communication in Theory and Practice

Leadership communication is a crucial competence for motivating employees and running a successful organization.

This book is about what leadership communication is, what recent research shows, and how, as a manager, you can translate this knowledge into effective use of your communication resources.

The book has three parts: a theoretical introduction; specific tools; and examples of leadership communication in private and public organizations.

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  • Bog (Softcover)
    1. udgave (2019), 161 sider.
    ISBN: 9788759332962
    Academic Books
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  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. udgave (2019), 161 sider.
    ISBN: 9788759333846
    Academic Books
    Buy this product



"The book presents a nuanced understanding of communication and many practical tools that provide a solid foundation for navigating the complexity." Inger Bøgh, owner and partner, Human Business.

"Marianne and Anette's book offers exceptional help in choosing the forms of communication that support your communication objectives so that you communicate correctly every time!" Ole Møller-Jensen, Regional President, Danfoss



Preface 9
   The aim of the book 11
   A bit about the book s structure 12
   Who is the book for? 14
   Thank you 15

Part I: Theory
By Marianne Wolff Lundholt

Chapter 1
An introduction to leadership communication 19
   The book s foundation 20
   The three types of appeal 21
   Communication paradigms 25
   The ten paradoxes of leadership communication 28

Chapter 2
What is leadership communication? 31
   Management versus leadership communication 31
   One definition of leadership communication: more than just communication from the boss 34

Chapter 3
Leadership communication - a complex task 39
   Why is it so difficult? 39
   All understanding is based on a preconception 40
   Cascade communication 44
   Middle manager s communication task is complicated 50

Chapter 4
Leadership communication s three forms of communication 53
   The potential of leadership communication 54
   Leadership communication s three forms and paradigms 56

Chapter 5
Leadership communication as information 59
   Did you receive my message? 60
   The information paradigm s communication understanding 61
   When the message is formulated in advance of the communication 62
   Employee satisfaction survey: Have you been informed? 62
   The legitimacy of the information paradigm 63
   Limitations of the information paradigm 65

Chapter 6
Leadership communication as communication 67
   Did you understand my message? 67
   The communication paradigm s communication understanding 68
   Employee satisfaction survey: just an indication? 69
   The legitimacy of the communication paradigm 69
   Limitations of the communication paradigm 70

Chapter 7
Leadership communication as involvement 75
   How do you understand the message? 76
   The involvement paradigm s communication understanding 76
   When the message is formulated in the communication situation 77
   Employee satisfaction survey: Does it make sense? 80
   The legitimacy of the involvement paradigm 80
   Limitations of the involvement paradigm 82

Chapter 8
Leadership communication and communication environment 85
   The organization s communication environment 85
   Measurement of the communication environment 96
   The road to an open communication environment 97

Part II: From theory to practice
By Anette Uldall

Chapter 9
The Leadership Communication Tool Kit 103
   Communication s seven elements 103
   A tool kit for an internal communication strategy 121

Chapter 10
Training gives leadership communication a boost 127
   Step-by-step communication training 128
   Planning and implementation of communication training 132

Chapter 11
Case: When the new strategy requires new communication skills 135
   Step 1: The strategy is launched 136
   Step 2: Cascade communication 139
   Step 3: Example of leadership communication in a business division 142

Part III: Conclusion
By Marianne Wolff Lundholt and Anette Uldall

Conclusion 151

Bibliography 157


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