Preface 9
The aim of the book 11
A bit about the book s structure 12
Who is the book for? 14
Thank you 15
Part I: Theory
By Marianne Wolff Lundholt
Chapter 1
An introduction to leadership communication 19
The book s foundation 20
The three types of appeal 21
Communication paradigms 25
The ten paradoxes of leadership communication 28
Chapter 2
What is leadership communication? 31
Management versus leadership communication 31
One definition of leadership communication: more than just communication from the boss 34
Chapter 3
Leadership communication - a complex task 39
Why is it so difficult? 39
All understanding is based on a preconception 40
Cascade communication 44
Middle manager s communication task is complicated 50
Chapter 4
Leadership communication s three forms of communication 53
The potential of leadership communication 54
Leadership communication s three forms and paradigms 56
Chapter 5
Leadership communication as information 59
Did you receive my message? 60
The information paradigm s communication understanding 61
When the message is formulated in advance of the communication 62
Employee satisfaction survey: Have you been informed? 62
The legitimacy of the information paradigm 63
Limitations of the information paradigm 65
Chapter 6
Leadership communication as communication 67
Did you understand my message? 67
The communication paradigm s communication understanding 68
Employee satisfaction survey: just an indication? 69
The legitimacy of the communication paradigm 69
Limitations of the communication paradigm 70
Chapter 7
Leadership communication as involvement 75
How do you understand the message? 76
The involvement paradigm s communication understanding 76
When the message is formulated in the communication situation 77
Employee satisfaction survey: Does it make sense? 80
The legitimacy of the involvement paradigm 80
Limitations of the involvement paradigm 82
Chapter 8
Leadership communication and communication environment 85
The organization s communication environment 85
Measurement of the communication environment 96
The road to an open communication environment 97
Part II: From theory to practice
By Anette Uldall
Chapter 9
The Leadership Communication Tool Kit 103
Communication s seven elements 103
A tool kit for an internal communication strategy 121
Chapter 10
Training gives leadership communication a boost 127
Step-by-step communication training 128
Planning and implementation of communication training 132
Chapter 11
Case: When the new strategy requires new communication skills 135
Step 1: The strategy is launched 136
Step 2: Cascade communication 139
Step 3: Example of leadership communication in a business division 142
Part III: Conclusion
By Marianne Wolff Lundholt and Anette Uldall
Conclusion 151
Bibliography 157