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Leadership Communication in Theory and Practice

Leadership communication is a crucial competence for motivating employees and running a successful organization.

This book is about what leadership communication is, what recent research shows, and how, as a manager, you can translate this knowledge into effective use of your communication resources.

The book has three parts: a theoretical introduction; specific tools; and examples of leadership communication in private and public organizations.

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  • Bog (Softcover)
    1. edition (2019), 161 pages
    ISBN: 9788759332962
    Academic Books
    Buy this product
  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. edition (2019), 161 pages
    ISBN: 9788759333846
    Academic Books
    Buy this product



"The book presents a nuanced understanding of communication and many practical tools that provide a solid foundation for navigating the complexity." Inger Bøgh, owner and partner, Human Business.

"Marianne and Anette's book offers exceptional help in choosing the forms of communication that support your communication objectives so that you communicate correctly every time!" Ole Møller-Jensen, Regional President, Danfoss


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