Culture and technological transformation in the South

Culture and Technological Transformation in the South provides some novel and interesting perspectives on the subject of how organisations in the south can upgrade their technologies through local initiatives, and how foreign engineers and advisors can support these initiatives, both theoretically and practically speaking.

The central argument of the book is that technology transformation process is best understood with insight into both the constituents of technology and their cultural context.

The authors cover a wide range of issues of both practical and theoretical relevance to scholars and project managers. These include:

- Knowledge transfer to the south

- Staff training and motivation

- Project management by expatriate staff

- The nature and constituents of technology

- Culture and management challenges in the 21st century

The book is therefore an essential guide to scholars and policy makers on technology development in the south as well as expatriate managers on assignments in these countries.

Køb bogen

  • Bog (Softcover)
    1. edition (2003), 262 pages
    ISBN: 9788759309681
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