Strategic Relationship Marketing represents the next generation in strategic marketing.
These pages expand upon the basic assumption that economic effectiveness and quality in customer relationships should and must be viewed as the way for businesses to develop overall competitive advantage.
In a world of increasing transparency and interactivity, relationship marketing will be more important than ever.
The book presents a cutting-edge new relationship economic framework and integrates it with basic principles of governing structures, customer loyalty and driving market forces. Out of this integration of standard marketing principles and innovative relationship marketing thinking comes new marketing strategic typologies and paradigms that promote the understanding of relationship dynamics and equips the reader with tools for identifying and implementing these strategies.
Our task is to present a fully comprehensive text that deals with strategic relationship marketing principles combined with the very best of overall strategy, business economics and relationship research.
Strategic Relationship Marketing will be valuable to business managers as well as students, researchers and consultants. Our audience will find useful relationship marketing tools, techniques and cases as well as scientific evidence and theories supporting our suggestions.

Strategic Relationship Marketing
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