Samfundsøkonomi | Samfundslitteratur

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1/11 2007 | CBS Press
The authors analyze stochastic dynamic systems across a broad spectrum of economics and finance. The major unifying theme is the coherent and rigorous treatment of uncertainty and its implications...
1/7 2007 | CBS Press
The first part of the book describes agricultural progress in Europe and the USA since 1750, when modern societies began to develop. Although there were significant differences from country to...
17/8 2006 | CBS Press
Danish industry is increasingly present in developing countries through foreign direct investment. This development raises a number of important questions concerning implications for Danish companies...
Morten Boeck
2/9 2004 | Samfundslitteratur
As it becomes increasingly customary for advertisers to analyze how consumers and customers are affected by advertising, it becomes correspondingly important to assess and understand how advertising...
4/11 2003 | Samfundslitteratur
- øvelser
1/11 2002 | Samfundslitteratur
Øvelser og opgaver i denne bog er tænkt som en hjælp til studerende i Nationaløkonomi, der ønsker at få lidt jord under neglene.Nationaløkonomi er sjovere og lettere at forstå, når man går i gang med...

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