Landlubbers and Seadogs | Samfundslitteratur

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Landlubbers and Seadogs

The Case of Labour Mobility in the Danish Maritime Sector

This book provides an authoritative analysis of how increasing globalization in the maritime sector challenges the entwined shipping communities of traditional maritime nations.

Through an empirical analysis of developments in labor mobility within the maritime sector in Denmark it shows that the shipping companies have been significant providers of...

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This book provides an authoritative analysis of how increasing globalization in the maritime sector challenges the entwined shipping communities of traditional maritime nations.

Through an empirical analysis of developments in labor mobility within the maritime sector in Denmark it shows that the shipping companies have been significant providers of competence to the national maritime skills base, but also that their current global factor sourcing choices threaten to dissolve this skills base.

These findings have important implications regarding productivity, growth and competitiveness for policy makers and companies in the maritime domain.

The shipping industry is the most global of all industries and its events thus provide a good indicator of what is to come in other industries and are therefore relevant in a general perspective.

Publisher: CBS Press
Language: Engelsk
Illustrated: Yes
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Bog (Softcover)
1. Edition (2012), 
292 pages
ISBN 9788763002462
E-bog (VitalSource Bookshelf)
1. Edition (2012), 
292 pages
ISBN 9788763099387



"Denne spændende og debatskabende bog bør ligge under juletræet hos alle redere, shippingfolk og søfartsinteresserede."

Jesper B. Nielsen i Transport Magasinet, 10. december 2012

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"Denne spændende og debatskabende bog bør ligge under juletræet hos alle redere, shippingfolk og søfartsinteresserede."

Jesper B. Nielsen i Transport Magasinet, 10. december 2012

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