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What am I doing here?

A guide to first-person journalism

You can do it! You can tell journalistic stories in the first person appearing with a visible and active self in the story. In fact, in some situations this can elevate your journalism and engage readers, listeners and viewers. But when and why? Which stories will be better with an active self and how do you go about it?

These questions are answered in the anthology What am I doing here? Through analyses and examples, a range of journalists and scholars explore when, why and how a visible 'I' can improve a journalistic story across genres, media types and platforms.

The book presents different types of first-person narrators and the dilemmas that can arise in, amongst others:

  • feature and reportage
  • investigative reporting
  • the profile story
  • ghostwriting
  • essays and memoirs
  • audio stories
  • digital stories
  • ethnographic journalism
  • the personal photograph

What am I doing here? is a hands-on textbook designed to inspire journalists, editors and other communicators to a well-considered and qualified use of 'I'.

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  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf (epub3)
    1. udgave (2024), 232 sider.
    ISBN: 9788759344125
    Academic Books
    Buy this product


NB: For en mere udførlig indholdsfortegnelse, vælg 'Kig i bogen' herover.

Introduction: What am I really doing here? 9
Steffen Moestrup, Jesper Gaarskjær and Gitte Luk

1. The first-person narrator: I take on different roles 17
Jesper Gaarskjær

2. Reportage: I bring home a piece of self-experienced reality 39
Peter Nicolai Gudme

3. Investigative journalism: I examine the world from an honest, reliable perspective 59
Jesper Gaarskjær

4. Profile stories: I change positions and make room for different personas 75
Steffen Moestrup and Christine Isager

5. Essays and memoirs: I explore my life 97
Jesper Gaarskjær

6. Ghostwriting: I am an illusion created by a ghost 117
Rasmus Rønlev and Rikke Hyldgaard

7. Ethnographic journalism: I enter an unfamiliar culture 139
Anne Kirstine Hermann

8. Audio stories: I speak in many voices 155
Rasmus Rønlev and Susanna Sommer

9. The digital ‘I’: I am the product of a stream of zeros and ones for you to click on 177
Steffen Moestrup

10. Personal photography: I take photos of my own world 201
Gitte Luk and Søren Pagter

About the authors 229

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