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University Teaching and Learning

University Teaching and Learning is based on the notion that good teaching is focused on student learning. Therefore, the central topic of this book is learning activities, both in and between teaching sessions.

The book includes experience- and research-based suggestions for how to plan, conduct, evaluate and develop teaching within the framework provided by the university and research, whether this be traditional lectures and supervision tasks; case- and project work, or e-learning. The book furthermore equips the individual teacher with tools to reflect the theoretical foundation of his or her teaching.

University Teaching and Learning is written with university teacher training and other introductions to university teaching and learning in mind. In addition to new lecturers, the book is also aimed at the seasoned lecturer looking for inspiration for his or her own, the team s or department s teaching.

University Teaching and Learning is co-authored by a number of lecturers, developers and researchers affiliated with the Danish Network for Educational Development in Higher Education.

University Teaching and Learning is available in a Danish translation:ædagogik 


Køb bogen

  • Bog (Softcover m. flapper)
    1. edition (2015), 496 pages
    ISBN: 9788759319604
    Academic Books
    Buy this product
  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. edition (2015), 496 pages
    ISBN: 9788759322529
    Academic Books
    Buy this product
  • Kapitel e-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. edition (2015), 50 pages
    ISBN: 9788759322871
    Buy this product




1.1 Development trends within the role of the university

1.2 Research-based teaching

2.1 Teaching for learning

2.2 Principles and models of university teaching and learning

2.3 Teaching environment

3.1 Who are the students?

3.2 Course descriptions

3.3 Session planning

3.4 Course planning

3.5 Tutoring/supervising written papers

4.1 Lectures

4.2 Group work

4.3 Case-based teaching

4.4 Problem-oriented and project-organised teaching

4.5.1 Activities in and between sessions

4.5.2 Activities in the disciplines

4.6.1 Feedback

4.6.2 Clickers

4.7 Discussion and argumentation in teaching

4.8. E-learning

5.1 Supervision: Process management and communication

5.2 Supervision on text

6.1 Assessment and exams

6.2 Teaching evaluation

7.1 Developing your own teaching

7.2 Collegial/Peer supervision

7.3 Teaching portfolio

7.4 Information search about university teaching and learning

7.5 Teacher roles

Author profiles


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