Transnational corporations and local firms in developing countries | Samfundslitteratur


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Transnational corporations and local firms in developing countries

Linkages and Upgrading

Michael Wendelboe Hansen (red.) og Henrik Schaumburg-Müller (red.)

The book is based on a number of case studies of linkage collaborations and a survey of about 90 Danish firms and their relations to partners in developing countries. The analysed host countries are Ghana, India, Malaysia, South Africa and Vietnam.

The authors document how even small firms in both developed and developing countries engage in, and can...

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The book is based on a number of case studies of linkage collaborations and a survey of about 90 Danish firms and their relations to partners in developing countries. The analysed host countries are Ghana, India, Malaysia, South Africa and Vietnam.

The authors document how even small firms in both developed and developing countries engage in, and can benefit from, cross border linkages.

The book is a contribution to the emerging literature on firm strategy in developing countries, offering new empirical evidence of the multi-facetted and complex nature of cross border inter-firm linkages.

The target groups for this book are academics with an interest in business and development studies, policy makers and managers within private sector development, and students of international business and development studies.

Forlag: CBS Press
Sprog: Engelsk
Illustreret: Ja
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Bog (Softcover)
1. udgave (2006), 
398 sider
Vejl. Pris
ISBN 9788763001755
E-bog (VitalSource Bookshelf)
1. udgave (2006), 
398 sider
Vejl. Pris
ISBN 9788763099776

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