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Sustainable Transportation

Indicators, frameworks, and performance management

This textbook provides an introduction to the concept of sustainability in the context of transportation planning, management, and decision-making.

The book is divided into two parts. In the first part, indicators and frameworks for measuring sustainable development in the transportation sector are developed. In the second, the authors analyze actual planning and decision-making in transportation agencies in a variety of governance settings. This analysis of real-world case studies demonstrates the benefits and limitations of current approaches to sustainable development in transportation.

The book concludes with a discussion on how to make sustainability count in transportation decision-making and practice.

Køb bogen

  • Bog (Softcover)
    1. edition (2015), 320 pages
    ISBN: 9788759315590
    Academic Books
    Buy this product
  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. edition (2015), 320 pages
    ISBN: 9788759324585
    Academic Books
    Buy this product


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