Bogcover til Strategic Management of Professional Service Firms

Strategic Management of Professional Service Firms

In this third revised edition, professor Løwendahl discusses the following issues:

  • To what extent are professional service firms (PSFs) different?
  • When is a service (not) professional?
  • What are particular challenges in managing PSFs?
  • What are important strategic issues for PSFs?
  • Hiring, training and keeping the right people
  • Competing for, gaining, delivering, and learning from the right client projects
  • Delivering the right kind of services the right way
  • Balancing the right mix of individually and organizationally controlled resources (especially competence, reputation, and client relationships)
  • Figuring out the right size of the firm
  • Going international/global or not
  • Avoiding the dangers of a fuzzy strategy - if you deliver everything a client wants nobody will know what you're good at

The book is written for and has received praise from practitioners and academics/students alike. The 3rd edition is updated and slightly expanded.

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  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    3. udgave (2005), 219 sider.
    ISBN: 9788763099622
    Academic Books
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