Bogcover til Storytelling
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- branding in practice

As a business concept "storytelling" has had a significant impact on how companies can build strong corporate cultures and credible brands. 

Yet many corporations are still confused as to how exactly storytelling can make a difference: Why should we tell stories at all? What makes a good story? And how do we tell it in a way that advances our company both culturally and fiscally while strengthening our brand?

The second edition of this successful book presents ten new case studies. Written by practitioners for practitioners and students and filled with simple tools for putting corporate storytelling into practice, it provides knowledge and inspiration for using storytellingas a strategic tool for releasing your company’s potential.

Check ‘Em Out! (...) it’s a detailed guide to the creation of powerful sagas that move customers to engage the brand.
Tom Peters, Bestselling Author and CEO, Tom Peters Company

It’s a big deal to compress your company’s story into a brand. This book is the first step on that long journey.
Kevin Kelly, Founder and Editor-at-Large, Wired Magazine

The book carries branding to the next step, which is storytelling.
Philip Kotler, Professor of International Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

One of the very best marketing books of the year...
Seth Godin, Bestselling Author and Marketing Expert

The book accurately portrays the value of storytelling in the business context.
Dr. Roger Schank, Former Professor in Learning and Psychology, Northwestern University and Yale University

Køb bogen

  • Bog (Hardcover)
    2. udgave (2010), 254 sider.
    ISBN: 9788759314746
    Academic Books
    Buy this product
  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    2. udgave (2010), 254 sider.
    ISBN: 9788759339763
    Academic Books
    Buy this product


NB: For en mere udførlig indholdsfortegnelse, vælg 'Kig i bogen' herover.

Foreword .  .  .  8

Chapter 1: Branding Through Storytelling .  .  .   15


Chapter 2: The Four Elements of Storytelling .  .  .   31

Chapter 3: Storytelling in Business .  .  .   49

Chapter 4: The Company Core Story  .  .  .   61

Chapter 5: Authentic Raw Material for Storytelling .  .  .  103


Chapter 6: Storytelling as a Management Tool .  .  .  131

Chapter 7: Storytelling in Advertising .  .  .  163

Chapter 8: When Storytelling Becomes Dialogue .  .  .  183

Chapter 9: The Media as a Storytelling Partner .  .  .  205

Chapter 10: Tearing Down the Walls  .  .  .   22

Bibliography  .  .  .   244

Index  .  .  .   247

About the Authors .  .  .  252 


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