Kig i bogen

Social Media Across Everyday Contexts

Digital Childhood and Youth in the Nordics

More than anywhere else in the world, social media platforms are integrated into everyday life in the Nordic welfare states. This book examines the role of social media in the everyday lives of children and young people in the Nordics. Through a practice theoretical lens, the book offers a nuanced examination of the complex relationship between children, young people and social media.

The book covers themes related to play, learning, social relations, identity, self-presentation, sexuality, gaming and datafication, and discusses these themes in the light of ongoing debates, including current as well as future ethical considerations. The book is co-authored by associate professors Malene Charlotte Larsen and Stine Liv Johansen, who both have extensive research experience in the field of social media and digital childhood and youth. The book includes contributions from guest authors, each possessing significant expertise in specific areas related to the overarching topic.

Social Media Across Everyday Contexts – Digital Childhood and Youth in the Nordics is relevant for students and practitioners with an interest in children and young people’s digital media use.

Køb bogen

  • Bog (Softcover m. flapper)
    1. edition (2024), 216 pages
    ISBN: 9788759342442
    Academic Books
    Buy this product
  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. edition (2024), 216 pages
    ISBN: 9788759345146
    Academic Books
    Buy this product


NB: For en mere udførlig indholdsfortegnelse, vælg 'Kig i bogen' herover.

Foreword 9

Introduction: Growing up with social media across everyday contexts 11

1. Media use in context 27

2. Children and the internet – ten research insights 45
Guest chapter by Professor Elisabeth Staksrud, University of Oslo

3. Playful media practices 65

4. Ecologies of learning lives – complex interactions using social media in everyday life 87
Guest chapter by Professor Ola Erstad, University of Oslo

5. Social media and social relations 109

6. Identity and self-presentation on social media 137

7. Digital platforms and youth sexuality 161
Guest chapter by postdoctoral researcher Sanna Spisák, University of Helsinki

8. A media practice perspective on children and young people’s digital gaming 183
Guest chapter by Associate Professor Anne Mette Thorhauge and Associate Professor Andreas Gregersen, University of Copenhagen

9. Children and youth in a datafied society 197

About the authors 213

Index 215

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