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Research alive

- exploring generative moments in doing qualitative research

What makes qualitative research really worth doing? When do people feel most alive and energized in their research?

Research Alive offers insight into the doing of qualitative research by focusing on stories of moments that are experienced as generative.

The book offers a unique array of 40 stories from both new and established scholars. The stories cover the full arc of the research process, from initial idea conception to publication and other forms of interaction with users of research.

The stories are personal, back-stage accounts of everyday challenges in research and their resolutions - some derived from action research, some from ethnographies, others from more historical studies.

These accounts provide readers with insights about the micro-moments that compose the doing of qualitative research, that are typically invisible, not discussed and yet are wellsprings of motivation and insight that sustain and inspire qualitative researchers.

From these stories readers will gain critical new insights about research practice and acquire important perspectives that are an inherent part of developing as a research scholar.

The book is organized into three sections:

  • Stories of Seeding in Research with a commentary by Calvin Morrill
  • Stories of Growing in Research with a commentary by Ann Cunliffe
  • Stories of Harvesting in Research with a commentary by Joanne Martin.

Chapters by Arne Carlsen and Jane Dutton open and close the volume.

Advances in Organization Studies Series editors: Stewart R. Clegg & Ralph E. Stablein

Advances in Organization Studies is a channel for cutting edge theoretical and empirical works of high quality, that contributes to the field of organizational studies.

The series welcomes thought-provoking ideas, new perspectives and neglected topics from researchers within a wide range of disciplines and geographical locations.

Køb bogen

  • Bog (Softcover)
    1. udgave (2011), 252 sider
    ISBN: 9788763002417
    Academic Books
    Buy this product
  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. udgave (2014), 252 sider
    ISBN: 9788763002967
    Academic Books
    Buy this product



This is not a book! It is a generative instrument for sharing the feelings associated with doing qualitative research within a community of scholars. This book is an entry door to a secret garden where qualitative researchers share their lived experiences and wisdom.

- Silvia Gherardi, Professor in Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, Italy.


Research Alive belongs on the bedside table of every qualitative researcher. It is a book I will go back to time and again, sometimes to re-read a specific story but just as often to dip into it at random for inspiration and energy.

The stories in this volume come from qualitative researchers at every career stage and will speak to a similarly broad audience. They address a wide range of dilemmas and situations faced by qualitative researchers, but come together in their celebration of connection and community as key sources of generativity in our work. I will be recommending Research Alive to my friends and colleagues and assigning it as required reading for my doctoral students.

- Thomas B. Lawrence. Weyerhaeuser Professor of Change Management. Faculty of Business Administration. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.


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