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On Play

Play is important for people’s lives. That is the subject of this book. It is a confrontation and a rebellion against the instrumentalisation and rationalisation of play, and insists that play is of value in itself as it is fundamentally bonded to human life.

On Play presents the perspective of mood. It comprises three dimensions: There is the play media, or the tools with which we play; the play practices, which are the actions and forms of expression used in play, and the play moods, which is the special feeling of involvement that we experience when we play. The perspective of mood points towards a strong connection between what we play with, what we do with it and what we experience. Children take and use certain play media; they use them in certain ways and thus attain a mood of play.

In On Play, a number of terms are introduced as ways of observing these moods of play. These terms may serve as lenses through which we observe play, but they can also be used as principles for instruction when we plan pedagogic play activities, when we want to throw a party at work or when we design play experiences.

Using the perspective of mood, this book gives us new insights into what play is, or could become, and also, that it is found everywhere. This book praises diversity, inventiveness and those surprising moments of impulse. In principle, there is no such thing as bad play, since it will simply peter out. Good play, on the other hand, goes on and on, because it makes sense to those who are playing.

The book is based on extensive field work among children and the theory is deeply anchored in plenty of practical examples. We meet the children in their daily lives, where play comes to life – and it lives in many places. At school, at home, with grandparents and in all the in-between spaces of a child’s life.

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  • Bog (Softcover m. flapper)
    1. udgave (2021), 156 sider.
    ISBN: 9788759339008
    Academic Books
    Buy this product
  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. udgave (2021), 160 sider.
    ISBN: 9788759339558
    Academic Books
    Buy this product


Introduction 9
    The children in this book 12
    The relevance of play 15
    Play as a life philosophy 16
    Changes in play 18
    Further reading 26
    Play map 26

1. Play media - tools for play 29
    A holistic view of playthings 29
    Jacob’s LEGO play 34
    Using playthings for multiple purposes 35
    Usage and practice - a possible possibility 40
    Rules and formulas give order 42
    Play and games 45

2. Play practice - the activity of playing 61
    "Dance games" where meaning is created 66
    "Dance games" as repetition and distance 71
    Natural play practice 73
    The social forms of "Dance games" 75
     "Dance games" and back-and-forth motion 77
     "Dance games" as an exercise in taste 82
    The social encounter - the conflict of play 83
    Play and learning - or how one gets a feel for play practice 87
    How to read the play map (1) 98

3. Moods of play - to be in the act of playing 107
    Being in the moods of play 112
    Commonness as play moods 118
    On reading the play map (2) 121
    How do you get into the mood of play? 126
    How do you maintain the mood of play? 130
        Taking part 131
        Becoming really good 132
        Using danger 135
        Using social relationships 137
        Using the element of competitiveness 139
        Putting together play media/play practices   140
        Changing moods 143

Conclusion 151
Reference List 153


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