Bogcover til Necropsy


A Handbook & Atlas

A complete and thorough necropsy is invaluable for diagnosting diseases in animals.

In Necropsy - a Handbook and Atlas all essential and necessary procedures for carrying out necropsies of horses, production animals, dogs and cats, laboratory animals, rabbits, mink, poultry and fish are described in separate chapters.

Moreover chapters have also been dedicated to the necropsy of foetal membranes, the brain and the extensive examination of the heart. The authors of each chapter are all experienced diagnosticians, and Necropsy is used during practical courses for veterinary students in special pathology, poultry and fish diseases, and large animals at the University of Copenhagen Denmark.

Due to the comprehensive description of the procedures and number of illustration, the book should also fulfill the requirements of a handbook and atlas for veterinary practitioners and researchers carrying out necropsies as a part of their work.

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  • Bog (Hardcover)
    1. udgave (2011), 288 sider
    ISBN: 9788791319556
    Academic Books
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