Content section
Managing the Global Supply Chain
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NB: This is an overview of contents. Please go to 'Kig i bogen' for a detailed version.
Preface 11
1. Introduction to the Global Supply Chain 15
2. Structure and Process 39
3. Inter-organizational Relationships 63
4. The Information System for the Supply Chain 95
5. Distribution 127
6. Production Issues for the Supply Chain 161
7. Innovation Management in Supply Chains 189
8. Procurement 209
9. Service Management in Supply Chains 241
10. Reverse Logistics and Supply Chain Sustainability 269
11. Performance Measurement and Management in the Supply Chain 289
12. Strategy and the Supply Chain 319
13. Supply Chain Planning Modelling Considerations 339
14. Managing the Complexity of the Global Supply Chain 365
References 391
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