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The Janus Face of Commercial Open Source Software Communities
An Investigation into Institutional (Non)work by Interacting Institutional Actor
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Foreword 9
1. Introduction 11
1.1 A sociological approach 14
1.2 The structure of the book 15
2. Companies Involvement in Open Source Software Communities 19
2.1 Historical development of software 19
2.2 Literature on companies involvement in open source software communities 23
2.3 Commercialization of open source software in Denmark 31
2.4 Conclusion and reflection 48
3. TYPO3 A Commercial Open Source Software Community 53
3.1 Introduction 53
3.2 TYPO3 as an à la carte community 57
3.3 TYPO3 as a Community of Commercial Actors 75
3.4 Institutional Work in the development of the TYPO3 Community 86
3.5 Institutional non-work in the development of the TYPO3 Community 99
3.6 Conclusion and reflection on the Janus Face of the TYPO3 Community 119
4. Nokia s Involvement in Two Types of Open Source Software Communities 123
4.1 The background and Nokia s open source software strategy 123
4.2 The case: Nokia sponsoring a dependent open source software community 127
4.3 The GNOME case: Nokia s involvement in an upstream open source software project 131
4.5 Conclusions and reflection on the Janus face of Nokia s involvement in Open Source Software Communities 139
5. Conclusion and Reflection 145
5.1 Companies involvement in open source software communities 145
5.2 Theoretical discussions within institutional organizational theory 152
5.3 The Janus face of commercial open source software communities 172
Appendix Methods 177
List of Concepts 185
List of References 187
About the Contributors 201
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