An introduction to parasitic diseases of freshwater trout | Samfundslitteratur


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An introduction to parasitic diseases of freshwater trout

Kurt Buchmann og Jose Bresciani

Fish parasites are becoming an increasing problem due to increased focus on aquacultue, fisheries, fish health and food hygienic aspects of fish in general.

This book presents a range of classical and modern methods in fish parasitology. Thus, it is described how the reader should collect the fish hosts, isolate the parasites, prepare the material and...

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Fish parasites are becoming an increasing problem due to increased focus on aquacultue, fisheries, fish health and food hygienic aspects of fish in general.

This book presents a range of classical and modern methods in fish parasitology. Thus, it is described how the reader should collect the fish hosts, isolate the parasites, prepare the material and identify the organisms. The book can be used as a handbook and as a labatory manual by students at courses in aquaculture, fish health, fish parasitology, general parasitology, fisheries ecology and zoology.

The author is teaching parasitology, fish parasitology, fish diseases and aquaculture at the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Forlag: Biofolia
Sprog: Engelsk
Illustreret: Ja
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Bog (Softcover)
1. udgave (2001), 
76 sider
Vejl. Pris
ISBN 9788774325802

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