Bogcover til India


Cross-cultural Business Behavior - For Business People, Expatriates and Scholars

Part I seeks to answer the 10 questions most often posed by Westerners doing business in India, including, Why do our Indian suppliers constantly miss delivery deadlines? When does yes really mean yes in India? and Why do our Indian project teams and employees need to be micro-managed?

Part II is a practical guide for families moving to India. It addresses such critical concerns as how to find housing, how to acclimate your family to India and its culture, and how to prepare yourself for the challenges you will face day to day.

Køb bogen

  • Bog (Softcover)
    1. udgave (2010), 192 sider
    ISBN: 9788763002226
    Academic Books
    Buy this product
  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. udgave (2010), 192 sider
    ISBN: 9788763099462
    Academic Books
    Buy this product


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