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Excel for Statistics
How to Organize Data
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Chapter 1.
Basic Excel for Statistics 7
Chapter 2
Descriptive Statistics: Looking at the Data 29
Chapter 3.
Significance Tests about Means 37
Chapter 4.
Significance Tests about Proportions 63
Chapter 5.
Testing Categorical Variables for Independence (÷2-test) .
Computing expected Frequencies 69
Chapter 6.
Correlation Analysis 73
Chapter 7.
Regression Analysis with Two Variables 75
Chapter 8.
Multiple Regression Analysis with a Categorical Variable 89
Functions and Data Analyses applied . Excel 2010/2007 97
Index 100
The text presupposes a basic knowledge of quantitative statistics. It can be used in a statistics course as a companion to Excel statistical software. Students writing a thesis can use the text as a handbook when applying Excel as readily available statistical software.
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