Bogcover til A Concise Contrastive Grammar Of English
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A Concise Contrastive Grammar Of English

- Workbook

Like the first edition, this second revised edition of the workbook is intended to be used together with A Concise Contrastive Grammar of English for Danish Students, which is a systematic and pedagogical introduction to English grammar for Danish students of English at bachelor level.

The purpose of the workbook is to supply students and teachers with material which can be used in connection with the study of grammar.

The workbook is organised so that each chapter in the grammar book matches a chapter in the workbook. There are exercises of many different kinds in the workbook.

Some aim at explanation and exemplification, others at awareness-raising and recognition of particular structures. Some aim at production in the form of either insertion of particular forms or translation, others at recognising differences between English and Danish. Finally, there are a number of exercises where students get the opportunity to identify and correct mistakes which are typical for Danes who speak or write English.

There is plenty of material in the workbook, so the users are free to choose the material which they find most suitable. Teachers can furthermore use some material when covering a particular grammatical topic and return to some of the other material available if students later still have problems with this particular area.

Students who use this workbook may also benefit from a new supplementary selfstudy workbook which is in preparation and will appear shortly.

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  • Bog (Softcover)
    2. edition (2014), 200 pages
    ISBN: 9788759316658
    Academic Books
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  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. edition (2014), 200 pages
    ISBN: 9788759331286
    Academic Books
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"Et suverænt dobbeltværk om engelsk grammatik, som i hvert fald for egen regning bliver en anvendelig bog at gå til i fremtiden. Det koncise, kontrastive og pædagogiske værk er et ærkeeksempel på anvendelig og praktisk grammatik. Storslået gjort!"

- Michael Agerbo Mørch på 

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