Bogcover til 24 questions for planned communication

24 questions for planned communication

24 questions for planned communication is written for professionals involved in the design and manufacture of media products that carry information effectively from public or private organizations to specific groups of people.

A media producer who can give proper answers to the 24 questions in this book is well on the way to making a successful communication.

When working with communication products, careful planning is everything. In the production of a successful video, radio program, exhibition, play, article, poster etc., one first has to consider a wide range of questions. The media themselves may be very different, but the reflections behind the media products have a great deal in common.

Some of the 24 questions:

  • What is the message?
  • Who is the target group?
  • Who is the sender?
  • What is the intended effect on the target group?
  • What medium should be used?
  • How is the target group affected by similar messages?

Køb bogen

  • Bog (Softcover)
    1. udgave (2003), 128 sider.
    ISBN: 9788778672506
    Academic Books
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