Kenneth Mølbjerg Jørgensen | Samfundslitteratur

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Kenneth Mølbjerg Jørgensen

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- læring - udvikling - intervention
22/8 2011 | Samfundslitteratur
Læring, udvikling og innovation er blevet vigtige mantra og konkurrenceparametre for den moderne organisation. Men hvad menes der egentlig med begrebet organisatorisk læring? Hvad forstår vi ved...
A Genealogy of a Management Decision
1/8 2007 | CBS Press
Power without Glory demonstrates the use of Foucault's conception of power in organizational analysis. It does this in two ways: firstly by developing a method for studying power in organizations,...
Conceptualising Reality in Organisational Research
1/12 2004 | CBS Press
Since Heraclitus change has baffled, perplexed and bemused. Organisational change is no exception; such change is an empirical fact but the extant conventional literature largely fails to enhance our...