User driven product development | Samfundslitteratur


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User driven product development

Creating a User-Involving Culture

User-driven product development is the art of interacting with users in all stages of the innovation process.

The quest for user-driven product development creates a collaborative mindset of user-involvement in new product projects.

Users are to be regarded as valuable, knowledgeable and innovative resources to product development.

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User-driven product development is the art of interacting with users in all stages of the innovation process.

The quest for user-driven product development creates a collaborative mindset of user-involvement in new product projects.

Users are to be regarded as valuable, knowledgeable and innovative resources to product development.

Based on a user-involving product development culture, managers and students are invited to study the complexity and challenges of performing user-driven product development in organizations.

The significant mechanisms of user-driven product development are described and discussed in detail and through generous use of examples and cases.

The main themes of the book are:

- The framework of user-driven product development
- Information competences demanded by user-driven product development
- How to collaborate with users about new product projects
- The user-interacting potential of information and web technologies

Forlag: Samfundslitteratur
Sprog: Engelsk
Illustreret: Ja
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Bog (Softcover)
1. udgave (2008), 
184 sider
Vejl. Pris
ISBN 9788759313374

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