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Textual Analysis: An Approach to Analysing Professional Texts

Supplementary Material

Over the years, many students have asked for examples of analyses based on the framework presented in Textual Analysis: an approach to analyzing professional texts. This book is an attempt to meet that request. 

The book contains five examples of analyses of previous exam assignments from the CBS course Understanding Professional Texts, which is included in the BA programme Intercultural Market Communication.

However, the analyses are also highly relevant for other courses in text production.

The analyses presented include a press release from Lundbeck, an advertisement from Forever Living Products, a text on litigation from Philip Morris, the introduction to an annual report from Amnesty International and a value statement from Lego.

The book is suitable for all communication students at university level.

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  • Bog (Softcover)
    2. udgave (2015), 104 sider
    ISBN: 9788759323755
    Academic Books
    Buy this product
  • E-bog (Vitalsource bookshelf)
    1. udgave (2014), 100 sider
    ISBN: 9788759320655
    Academic Books
    Buy this product




Press release from Lundbeck · 9

1.1. Social context · 12

1.2. Sender and receiver · 12

1.3. Genre and purpose · 14

1.4. Move structure · 17

1.5. Appeal forms · 20

1.6. Speech acts, text functions and text types · 23

1.7. Summary · 25



Advertisement from Forever Living Products · 27

2.1. Social context · 28

2.2. Sender and receiver · 29

2.3. Genre and purpose · 32

2.4. Move structure and text types · 33

2.5. Appeal forms · 35

2.6. Speech acts and text functions · 38

2.7. Choice of topoi and fallacies · 40

2.8. Categorical statements vs. hedging · 43

2.9. Summary · 46



Philip Morris: Litigation · 47

3.1. Social context · 48

3.2. Sender and receiver · 49

3.3. Genre and purpose · 51

3.4. Move structure and text types · 52

3.5. Appeal forms, speech acts and text functions · 54

3.6. Rhetorical strategies at the ideational level · 57

3.7. Rhetorical strategies at the interpersonal level · 59

3.8. Summary · 63



Introduction to Amnesty International Annual Report  · 65

4.1. Genre and purpose · 66

4.2. Sender and receiver · 67

4.3. Move structure and text types · 67

4.4. Appeal forms, speech acts and text functions · 69

4.5. Rhetorical strategies at the ideational level · 70

4.6. Rhetorical strategies at the interpersonal level · 72

4.7. Rhetorical strategies at the textual level · 75

4.8. Figures and tropes · 80

4.9. Summary · 82



The LEGO brand · 83

5.1. Genre and purpose · 84

5.2. Sender and receiver · 85

5.3. (Move) structure and text types · 86

5.4. Appeal forms, speech acts and text functions · 87

5.5. Rhetorical strategies at the ideational level · 90

5.6. Rhetorical strategies at the interpersonal level · 92

5.7. Rhetorical strategies at the textual level · 97

5.8. Figures and tropes · 99

5.9. Summary · 103


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